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Behind The Song/Devo Series Day 8!

Listen to the song "Why Are You Waiting" (Click Here)


Why Are You Waiting

General Idea/lesson learned:

It’s so easy to look at our lives, see imperfection, and think that we are not worthy of God’s love. We weren’t intended to walk through life alone. One thing to rest on is that God doesn't hold our past against us. He wants you even when you don’t feel good enough. He loves you right where you are.

Why I wrote this song:

Are we perfect? Nobody is. Which makes it even more acceptable to run towards God because we will never be viewed as perfect here on Earth. What is perfect anyway? The beauty in Jesus is he loves us where we are at in our lives and accepts us in that moment. He’s a dad that loves you and I. He sees all of our imperfections through his perfect love for us.


Hey God,

I know I’m far from perfect. I know I don’t deserve your love but thank you for loving me anyway. Thank you for seeing me and caring about me where I am right now. Thank you for waiting for me when I turned away. God I need you now more than ever. I am done waiting.



Humble yourself before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

-James 4:10

Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you, And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you For the LORD is a God of justice; How blessed are all those who long for Him.

-Isaiah 30:18

1. Have you ever ran from God? What were you feeling when you did?

2. Write about a time in your life when you finally gave your life over to God?

-How has your life has changed since then?

3. Do you want a fresh start now? Do you see a need for that. If you haven’t given your life over to God, I promise its never too late.


Behind The Song:


I hope you loved this devo! Be looking out for the next one on Wednesday 5/13!

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