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Writer's pictureBrooke Robertson

Behind The Song/Devo Series Day 11!

Listen to the song "See You Here" (Click Here)


See You Here

General Idea/lesson learned:

I have a feeling that everyone who is reading this right now has overcome grief and sadness at some point. Life here on Earth isn’t even close to heaven. Life here passes quickly, and sometimes we even take it for granted. The thought of life without our closest ones can be scary. It can be lonely, but this life is so temporary. We are blessed to share it with loved ones. We aren’t meant to live here forever. Sometimes we are prepared. Sometimes we aren’t. Reality is, we will never be fully “ready” to say goodbye to someone we care about. The thought of life without them is scary. When you live life without them, it can be lonely, BUT I don’t want you to see death as a sad thing. It may be sad to us, but life here is temporary. We aren’t meant to live here forever. Some are taken a little sooner than others, but I promise that its much better up there.

Why I wrote this song:

I’ve lost so many that I have loved. In 2017 I lost my great grandmother. Someone I loved and was so close to. She was the rock to our family. She lived right across the field. I have so many memories of her. I’d run over there without calling and she loved it. We would swing on her porch and talk about life. She would tell me stories about her life growing up. I learned a lot from her. She would cook biscuits on Sunday mornings and we would all go to her house before church. I never wanted that to end. Reality hit when I lost her. I come from a tight knit family and the head of Robertson Hill is gone now. Though I miss her everyday and think about her often. After she passed, I wanted to write a song that not only tells the story of her impact on my life and my family, but I want others to remember the good times they had with the ones we love and to not take for granted the ones we still have with us. Go sit and talk with them. They are full of wisdom. One things for sure… I just know, there is a party up there in heaven right now. Y’all, if you are still blessed enough to have them in your life, go see them.


Hey God,

I know this life is temporary. Help me to see every moment in a different way. Help me to not take for granted the time I have here. Help me to make the most of every moment you give me. Give me a chance to show someone who you are.



Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit.Rather, in humility value others above yourselves.

-Phil 2:3

Prov 4,5,9

He will wipe away all tears from their eyes. There will be no more death, no more grief or crying or pain. The old things have disappeared. 

-Revelation 21:4

1. Have you lost someone you loved very much?

2. How have you dealt with the grief?

3. Are there any relationships you have that you wish were closer?

-write down the one thing you can do to make it better?


Behind The Song:


I hope you loved this series and have learned a lot from them! Thank you for reading them :)

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